Welcome to the World of Dephicit and Poure

Tag Archives: school

by: Jennifer Poure

I LOVE MONDAYS! Always have, always will. Many hate Mondays but I look at Monday as the fresh start of the new week. I don’t dread it because I have to go back to work (won’t be a problem in three weeks) or school. I look at it as an opportunity that great things are going to happen for me this week. I welcome Mondays and believe that the start of a good week begins with a positive outlook on this day of the week.

Nothing excites one more than having Monday off when it falls on a holiday! Holiday or not – I LOVE MONDAYS! And the first Monday in September will always be acknowledged as Labor Day.

Labor Day – “When: Always the first Monday in September

Dedicated in honor of the worker, it is also appropriately called the “workingman’s holiday”. The holiday is dedicated to you in respect and appreciation for the work you do in or outside of the home, union or non-union, big company, small companies, or government. As long as you work somewhere at something, this holiday is for you!”

Deborah Dephicit responds:

And, for those who are out of work, take off Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as well…